About the Art
September 19 – July 31, 2017
Employee Gallery
Baggage Claim Escalators
All of life is connected by the need of water. It is the most important liquid we know. Water is everywhere; in the ground and in the air that we breathe. All animals, plants and humans need water to survive. We cook, bathe, clean, grow food with it and industries and factories use water to produce energy. Water is also important to our free time; many recognize the calming effect of a walk by the river or along the beach. The ocean, the sea, the river, the lake and even urban water features can have a positive impact on our wellbeing. This exhibit features Northeast Ohio’s artists and their artistic expressions of water.
Artist Details
Bonnie Bitner
Bonnie Bitner has been with the City of Cleveland for almost 17 years and is currently working in the Finance Department as an Assistant Administrator. Bonnie loves taking pictures and has filled up quite a few camera cards in this pursuit. There is beauty everywhere, and she is always looking for a photo opportunity to capture on her camera.
Katie Gedeon
Katie Gedeon is an Aging Services Administrator at the City of Cleveland Department of Aging. She earned her Bachelor’s Degree from Kent State University and her MSHS from Cleveland State University. Katie has had a passion for the arts for many years, experimenting with mediums such as watercolor, oil, acrylic and photography. With the Department of Aging, she created an all accessible art piece with attendees of Cleveland’s 2015 Disability Awareness Luncheon. She is committed to creating a more healthy and active community by incorporating the arts into older adults everyday lives.
Cindy Haney
Cindy Haney has been an employee with the City of Cleveland, Department of Port Control since 1989. She is an amateur photographer. What draws her to photography is the beauty of things seen in travel and in everyday life that are too beautiful not to share with others. She is the mother of 4 grown children and is an avid boater.
Edward Kamposek
An avid birder since early on, his interest in photography began with a love of travel and blossomed after digital cameras made it possible to take an unlimited number of images at essentially no cost. Now he takes his camera with him most weekends while exploring nature locally. Edward also relishes the opportunity to travel and to discover different eco-systems.
Dan Monroe
Dan Monroe has been an amateur photographer since 2008, when he took classes in black and white photography and digital photography at Cuyahoga Community College. His favorite subject, besides photographing his beautiful wife Kelly, has been documenting the works of Mother Nature. Lake Erie is his favorite source of inspiration.
Glenn James Murray
Glenn James Murray is an architect with at the City of Cleveland, Department of Building and Housing. He has threatened to take up painting for years. His loving wife Lynn called his bluff, and arranged for lessons at the Beck Center of Art as a birthday gift. The paintings that are currently on exhibit are the results. Glenn is inspired by the ruins and remnants of Cleveland’s industrial past, and the workaday world of her life blood, river and lake.