About the Art
May 01 – July 31, 2012
Public Gallery
The current exhibit celebrates some of the region’s most accomplished and emerging artists. CLE is proud of the wealth of talented artists the region has and wants to celebrate these artists by exhibiting their artwork to the world. It is with great pleasure that we showcase these artists whose works will be seen by an average of 30,000 passengers each day.
Artist Details
William Beuther
Bill’s interest in photography began in junior high school when he bought a Kodak point-and-shoot camera and set up a darkroom in his parents’ basement. That interest continued over the years as he explored different approaches and formats, including video at both amateur and semi-professional levels, but always remained secondary to the needs of career and family.
His lifelong interest blossomed in 2002 when early retirement gave him the opportunity to immerse himself in photography. The advent of digital SLR cameras also offered new opportunities to express his creativity. Bill started a successful photography business after finding he enjoyed capturing the feelings, moods and candid moments at weddings and events. He also loves creating images of landscapes, urban settings, and wildlife.
Regardless of the venue, Bill’s goal is always the same; to photograph something that moves him in a way that shares that emotion with the viewer. He is active in the local arts community and his work is gaining recognition through awards and juried shows.
Whether bicycling across Europe with a camera strapped to his back or shooting scenes at a local park, Bill’s enthusiasm for photography is infectious. He sees it as the perfect medium for a guy transitioning from button-down shirts to jeans and sneakers. For more information please email Bill at photo@bpfa.biz.
Rae Burke
Rae Burke is a 25-year-old art enthusiast who spends her time teaching children's art classes at the Cleveland Museum of Art and leading tours at the Museum of Contemporary Art. She also enjoys frequenting museums and galleries, writing in her art blog: i spy w/my little eye www.ispywmylittleeye.blogspot.com, writing in her photography blog: outside the frame is what we’re leaving out (www.goforwardinreverse.blogspot.com), exploring Cleveland, capturing all the interesting things she encounters in her life with her camera, watching all Cleveland sports religiously, and drinking pints of woodchuck with her friends. Rae graduated from Kent State University with her BA in Art History and a minor in Marketing. She has been an aspiring photographer for about four years. She currently lives and works in Cleveland, Ohio. For more information please visit her on www.etsy.com under PHOTOGraePHY.