Mythical Creatures

About the Art

The world is full of stories about mythical creatures, legendary beasts and supernatural and godlike beings. Inspired by living animals or fossils, humans have brought mythical creatures to life in stories, songs, and works of art. From the powerful dragon to the soaring phoenix, Cleveland Hopkins International Airport challenged all Northeast Ohio students to grab their favorite art supply to create their own mythical creature.

January 1 – October 31, 2018
Youth Art Gallery
Baggage Claim

Download the Brochure



The CLE Temporary Art Exhibition Program creates an airport ambiance unique to the Northeast Ohio Region. The mission of the Youth Art Program is to provide young artists with the opportunity to showcase their artwork in a gallery that receives thousands of visitors daily. CLE Youth Art Gallery is located on the arriving flights level, across from the Welcome Center. The art gallery changes up to two times per year and youth are invited to submit theme based artwork for review and approval by an Artists Review Panel. Each approved submittal is exhibited in the Youth Art Gallery based on the exhibition calendar. Approved submittals are also featured on the airport’s website.




Artist Details

The Gallery

Senior Winners

Intermediate Winners

Junior Winners

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